BCC at the University of California, Santa Barbara

It’s been a busy fall working with the class of 2024 on early and regular decision applications. I fit in two campus visits as well - both to schools I had previously visited but under very different circumstances.

First up: University of California, Santa Barbara

The last time I was on campus was the summer of 2020 and the campus was deserted. We couldn’t find a building with an unlocked restroom, much less a student-led tour or a friendly Admissions Office. This experience was much livelier! Though a few students were packing up to head out for Thanksgiving break, there were plenty of others walking and biking between classes and other activities.

The Admissions Office did not offer a student-led tour during Thanksgiving week, instead pushing us towards their self-guided tour. If it’s your only option, it was a fine self-guided tour, though nothing beats the fresh, student perspective you get from an in-person tour.

The campus vibe was friendly, relaxed, and welcoming. Access to the beach and neighboring Isla Visa adds to this feel, making the environment seem like a pretty nice place to spend four years.

Other perks include the medium size of the student population (24,000 students), hitting that sweet spot of plenty of new people to meet but not too overwhelming, and the flat, bike-friendly campus layout.

Good luck to students applying to UCSB for Fall 2024. Keep checking your portal for updates on admissions decisions (usually posted in mid-March).

BCC at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

BCC at the University of California, Davis