BCC at Santa Clara University

A recent quick trip to the Bay Area allowed time for a visit to Santa Clara University. Some takeaways and cool facts for interested students:

- Santa Clara just hired Dr. Julie Sullivan as their president. On July 1, she will become the first layperson and first woman to serve as president of the 171-year Jesuit institution.

- An admissions presentation highlighted the following as top reasons to attend SCU: 1) access to jobs/internships/opportunities of Silicon Valley, 2) great weather, 3) personalized attention from faculty, and 4) strong business and engineering programs.

- Current students touted small class sizes, ease of attaining student housing, and lots of opportunities to make friends/connections as their top reasons for attending.

- As someone who grew up going to SCU sports camp, basketball games, and football games (sadly to my dad’s dismay, their football team is no more), it was fun being back on such a familiar campus. I loved seeing groups of students laughing and engaged in conversations as they bustled off to class, residence halls, and the student center. After these past two difficult years, it's great to see student life return to college campuses.

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