BCC Tips on University of Washington

Thanks to some great info from a recent counselor webinar (and a travel photo to set the Seattle mood), here are some things to consider if the University of Washington is on your student’s college list:

1. AP scores are not considered in the UW admissions process. Grades in AP classes are considered instead. The only time AP scores are used is to give college credit if a student decides to enroll at UW.

2. The UW does not offer merit-based financial aid to out-of-state students.

3. The #1 thing a student can do if they want to gain an edge in the admissions process is to go above and beyond the university’s minimum academic requirements. More info here: https://admit.washington.edu/apply/freshman/cadr/

4. Researching majors before applying is a MUST. The UW is a little funny about majors (in my opinion) with a significant number of pre-major programs and impacted programs that are not options after admissions. More info here: https://admit.washington.edu/academics/majors/

BCC at Santa Clara University

'Tis the Season