BCC in NYC: New York University

BCC in NYC! A recent trip to New York City brought me to the campus of New York University (NYU) for a tour and info session. A few take-aways from my visit:

- NYU has 3 campuses: New York City, Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. It is ranked #1 both in the number of students sent abroad and the number of hosted international students. The university's location within NYC also means students have access to many internships/job opportunities, and 94% of all students participate in a job or internship during their time on campus. With this emphasis on a global education and professional development, the campus motto comes as no surprise: "Comfortable anywhere, confident everywhere."

- The campus has no official gates/fences, instead it exists in the heart of NYC's Greenwich Village, with Washington Square Park being the university's unofficial campus quad. Due to the open-nature of the campus, security is very tight, with ID required upon entry into any campus building or residence hall.

NYU would be a great addition to the college list of a driven, high-achieving student interested in a vibrant university with endless possibilities for international and professional experience.



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