Summer Reading List

Summer break may not feel the same this year, but that doesn't mean it can't be productive and enriching in its own way. Why not take the time to expand your knowledge of colleges and the admissions process?

My recommended summer reading list:

The Fiske Guide to Colleges: Former NY Times education editor Edward Fiske has been updating this guide for the past 35 years with information on over 320 schools including student perspectives (the best part, in my opinion). My current copy is dog-eared and well-worn, and I eagerly await the newest edition published in July.

Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: The title says it all. Written by a journalist, this book can help set the tone for your admissions journey and give guidance for optimizing your college years.

The Truth About College Admissions:: A comprehensive guide for parents/families with clear and candid advice from a high school counselor and a college admissions director.

Happy reading, and let me know how I can help put your findings into action!

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