BCC talks to Oregon State University

BCC talks to OSU! Thanks to a recent IECA meeting, I was able to learn more about Oregon State University from Lee TD, our regional OSU admissions rep.

A few take-aways from our discussion:

- Oregon State focuses on hands-on experiences, and has no (!) impacted majors. With extensive choices in their Business and Engineering programs, that's exciting news.

- For the incoming class of Fall 2019, OSU's average admitted GPA was 3.63 (unweighted) and average test scores of 25 (ACT) and 1182 (SAT). The school has a 70% admissions rate.

- In an effort to attract more California students, OSU recently adopted the Golden State Scholarship for First Year Students, with scholarship amounts of $6000-$12000 based on your high school GPA. More info here: https://admissions.oregonstate.edu/california

- What are some of the differences between OSU and University of Oregon? U of O does not have an engineering school and offers a journalism program (no journalism at OSU). Each campus has a different feel, with U of O being a bit more rah-rah/sports focused, while OSU students enjoy small town life in a very collaborative atmosphere. One counselor described OSU as the land of "millennial hippies" ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm looking forward to touring both myself, and giving you some more BCC take-aways. Feel free to message me if you'd like to be put in touch with the knowledgeable rep I spoke with.


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