BCC in the Northeast: Boston University

Next stop on my recent East Coast trip of college tours: Boston University. 

A few takeaways from my campus visit:

  • Located along busy Commonwealth Ave and close to Fenway Park, my first impression was that it was hard to distinguish the campus from the surrounding urban environment. However, our tour guide’s first stop was along the campus’s charming side streets lined with trees and Victorian brownstones (housing for upperclassmen). I could instantly see how students could find their home in this busy, city environment.

  • Of all the campuses I visited on this trip, BU had the best information session. Led by the Assistant Director of Admissions, the session took visitors through a sample freshman application outlining the key factors reviewed in an application. It was a great explanation of BU’s interpretation of “holistic review”, in other words how they take both academic achievements and activities inside/outside the classroom into consideration, all within the context of a student’s academic environment.  (Note: not all schools offer an info session, some are optional, some don’t offer them at all. If a campus offers it, try your best to attend - this is where you’re most likely to learn admissions-specific info.)

  • There are always tidbits from tours that standout to me - sometimes it’s a fun club or tradition, other times it’s an interesting academic focus. At BU, I was excited to learn about their BS program in Education and Human Development where you can choose from 5 different specializations including Youth Development & Justice and Deaf Studies & Deaf Education. Super unique focuses for a school of education!

  • I think BU would be a great option for a student looking for a vibrant, urban environment that is slightly less selective than a college like NYU or Columbia (and located in a city brimming with other college students). 

Go Terriers!

BCC in the Northeast: Dartmouth College

BCC in the Northeast: Tufts University